Saturday, February 18, 2006

Guess what?

I did it :)
I really really did it.
I have been waiting a few days to post this because I wanted it to be true, I didn't want to go up and down.
I finally reached 2 important goals in the one week!!.

I have lost 10 kilos!!!!!
and I am finally under 200 pounds!!!!!!

YAY! doesn't seem so exciting in text but to me it means so much.
I am now down to 90.5, I've been that way for a few days, and I can't stop smiling :D

I've set myself a list of goals, my next one is obvious, it's to be under 90, which should hopefully be sometimes this week.
I can't believe how different I am with only losing 10 kgs, if I only had 10 to lose that would be great but I'm still carrying 30 too many. I've shared this information with lots of friends and they don't believe I still have that much to go. Are they serious or trying to make me feel better about the fat that remains?
The changes
  1. I'm not that uncomfortable in this friggin heat
  2. I have lost loads of centimetres/inches (feet??)
  3. I sleep better
  4. I look better
  5. Guys are noticing I exist (or am I noticing guys are noticing that I exist?)
  6. My skin is glowing
  7. My period is getting regular (good or bad??? sometimes it's nice going 3 months without one)
  8. I am laughing out loud more often
  9. I can buy clothes in normal shops, in the larger sizes but still.... bye bye fat chick shops YAY!!!!!
  10. ummm... oh yeah! energy, I have some :)
At the moment nothing feels better than taking something out of my wardrobe that I haven't been able to wear and then doing it up for the first time in years.
It wont be long and I'll be a sexy bitch again ;)


Anonymous said...

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Fucking awesome freya! You rock. xxx