Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Google Chunky Meat Arse!! IT'S ME! No.1!!!

The fun thing about having site meter is that I can see where people are coming from. I love it! Some people use search words I would never dream of using!
I started paying attention to the search words after I saw one guy (I am assuming) google "Chunky Meat Arse"
I wasn't offended that I was number one at google, I have a chunky arse, a very sexy curvy womanly chunky arse though!
Here's a quick list of my favourites, some have made me smile, laugh and even feel sad and there's a couple that I just think "what the f**k are you on?"

  1. why does my ex keep contacting me every few weeks
  2. what is the sharp shooting pain down my arms when my feelings are hurt?
  3. i feel fat when i'm a chunky
  4. feeling gorgeous in your thirties
  5. fat taunts
  6. i think you are gorgeous (yes I am!!)
  7. kicking the ball hurts my foot
  8. hunter valley chocolate shop (try the chilli chocolate!)
  9. homer help me jebus
  10. break up with girlfriend "don't want to die alone"
  11. because you're gorgeous
  12. lil chunky but
  13. when a guy says you are gorgeous
  14. chunky but beautiful
  15. gorgeous but fat
  16. swim caps but don't want to be made fun of (you will be made fun of, even if it's just by your family, but if you swim with other people, you'll look just as stupid as them, so don't worry)
  17. fat chunky good fine booty (I've got an awesome booty!)
  18. you're gorgeous mirror
the winner is *drum roll*
19. laughing kookaburra eats obese people

Seriously, what are you smoking? what would possess any person to google those words, and why the hell do I end up at No.1!!

Btw, I'm not dead, I've just thought it best to avoid this for a while, I'm sick of complaining about my love life etc. Some interesting stuff has happened recently though, involving my boyfriend from 21 years ago when we were 12! He found me again and turned my world upside down, some good some bad, blah whatever,
I'm back and I know some people have missed me :�
p.s Steph, I hope you're ok xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol wth where is the topless photos :p ps LINK TO ME :) dd