Saturday, August 26, 2006

I've got Nuthin'

Yep that pretty much sums up my recent weeks. I wish I had something exciting to say but it's all just been
  • Doctors visits because I'm a head case
  • CT scan on my elbow because it's FUCKED! don't ever take for granted that you can straighten your arm. B refers to me as gumby arm, oh haha
  • One big arse house clean out, apparently it's all to do with me being a head case but atleast my house is getting soooo clean
  • Quit tafe, yeah more head case stuff, never not completed a course in my life, even through my divorce I didn't quit, but well.. yep anyway
oh oh I did do something! I joined a gym, yeah I know, I'm moist with excitement too. I swear if I'm not looking hot in a bikini by christmas I'm going to cry and cry and eat chocolate


Anonymous said...

ahhhh the evil gym got a hold of you too huh

have a crack, it gets less nightmarish and scary (well to me so far anyways)

Anonymous said...

The gym is awesome. It becomes addictive. If i don't get my fix at least three times a week, my bitchfactor goes up about fifty notches.

Anonymous said...

you wiil always be HOT!!!
luv ya!

Anonymous said...

ha ha thanks :)
but hopefully I wont always be a head case ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a lazy guy, and got convinced to try the gym out. I got there and thought "I could be at home watching TV right now" and didn't go from then on.

Then my mate decided to go at the same time and now I go regularly because I have motivation. Should try it!

And I'll see you at nobby's eh? lol don't worry, I'm joking

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the gym! I've only missed a couple of days (cos it isn't open on sundays)
I haven't been to nobby's in ages, i should start walking that beach cos I always get injured at merewether :)